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Tag Archives: Caesar
Pedantic Joke/Riddle
What are the two (2) ingredients in a Hirtius salad, and why do I call it that? If it helps (it probably won’t) I just had one with a can of kippered herring and some crackers.
Gómez Dávila on Caesar
La prosa de César es la voz misma del patriciado: dura, sencilla, lúcida. La aristocracia no es un montón de oropeles, sino una voz tajante. Caesar’s prose is the very voice of the patriciate: hard, simple, transparent. The aristocracy is … Continue reading
Reading Notes: Trollope
From Chapter I of Anthony Trollope’s Dr. Wortle’s School, I learn that British schools provided their pupils (aged 11-17) with beer every day, and with wine and even champagne when they were ill. In Chapter III, a boy who falls … Continue reading