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Tag Archives: Why Persius?
Why Start with Persius?
Briefly, I have three reasons for starting with Persius’ Satires: it’s a short text (one book, seven poems, 664 lines), a very difficult text that offers interesting textual and exegetical problems on every page, and (not least) I have a … Continue reading
More on My Plans for an On-Line Edition of Persius
Two days ago, I announced that I will be publishing an on-line text of Persius with apparatus criticus and accompanying adversaria over the next month, with comments open for suggestions from anyone who is interested. This is only the first … Continue reading
Posted in Announcements, Critical Texts, Persius, QLTP
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Announcement: A New Edition of Persius
Over the next month, I will be editing the text of Persius’ Satires for this site, with a select apparatus criticus containing a few of my own conjectures and an original selection of older readings. These will be expounded, along … Continue reading